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Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Do You Know These Facts About Spyware ?

by: Tom Jenson
Imagine something that follows you home and sets itself upin your house. It eats your food, enjoys your drinks, readseverything you bring home or purchase. It runs up yourphone bills and no matter where you go, it can follow youand takes notes on everything you do. Generically labeled spyware, your stealth visitor is aprogram or set of programs designed to track your Internetactivity. And, while it hasn't gone as far as above, it canand will make your life uncomfortable.The most benign form of spyware simply takes note of whattypes of websites you visit and communicates theinformation to its source. For advertisers, this adwareform of spyware allowed them to only send advertisementsyou were likely to be interested in. The theory being that it saved wasting anyone's time onproducts you wouldn't likely care about or want to buy. Ofcourse, that was the theory. The practice has become one ofabuse, with so many packaged adware or spyware programsdownloaded, you may never know who is watching. While there are different viruses that act spyware andrender malicious damage to your PC, bandwidth and sometimesyour modem, spyware may take the same format and rendersimilar damage. Most spyware is installed after downloading some type offree program or attachment from someone you don't know.Sophisticated processes can hide in .dll files and beincredibly difficult to remove even for spyware zapperprograms. The initial idea behind spyware or adware may not have beenso bad. However, they will take up lots of valuable CPU andRAM space on your machine, clogging your Internetbandwidth, which can create noticeable delays when you aredoing normal day-to-day activities. It can slow down rebootprocesses because of adding unwanted programs to your startup menu. Those downfalls are just what happens with the programs notdesigned to hijack your browser, point it at porn sites,download pornographic material, steal your address books,stored credit card information or create a waypoint forhacking into other's machines.Spyware is a very real villain in the cyber world. Themajority of computer and Internet users do not believethese types of programs affect them, yet more often thannot; they have hopefully been protected by firewalls andanti-virus software that combat them. Avoiding irresponsible net behavior, such as downloadingprograms or files from an unknown sender, the taking offree offers of packaged software, including games,giveaways, software and utilities may prove detrimental tothe life and function of your machine. Many of thesepackaged programs carry hidden within their walls spywareof some type.So whether it is designed to discover which web merchantsyou visit most often or what credit card information youhave stored on your machine, spyware is a very real threatin a world where the Internet is seemingly as important toeveryday activity as a pair of shoes. The best advice is tobe aware, in addition to installing anti-virus softwarewith firewall. ===========================================================Discover all you ever wanted to know about spyware. Latestdiscovery methods, latest incoculation treatments, latestremoval techniques. Click for useful info and dailyupdated blog of spyware news and articles. Click

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