by: Tom Jenson
Your browser now has a new start page and a new searchpage. Every time your browser loads a page that doesn'texist, you end up at some strange site, probably filledwith popup ads or worse - pornography. Nothing you do, fromresetting the home page in your options menu to rebootingyour machine gets rid of the problem. If you're really unlucky, the first new page you try toload has called up so many pop ups that your machine willvirtually lock up until professionally serviced. Browser hijacking is a very real and annoying problem. Ifthe hijacker program starts sending you off to pornographywebsites - there's a real chance it might have causedpornography to be downloaded onto your hard drive. Porn ona work computer has the potential to get your into realtrouble.Spyware, the generic term for software that installs itselfand records your movements, information and other bits tosend back to its source, is a general nuisance. Browserhijacking is a form of spyware that subverts your browsersettings and leaves you in a bind. If you don't havesomething that can prevent or at least detect and reset it,you could be in for some trouble.Many savvy users who discover the problem find it verydifficult to repair. Critical files like "Internet Options"are missing from the control panel of the operating system.So, now it's time to sort through the various .dll files or.ini file extensions - looking for a configuration that wasaltered. Next, the person experiencing the problem becomes sofrustrated that they delete their browser and try toreinstall or the worst yet, completely reformat the harddrive - convinced that it is irreparable. Well, reformatting will work - but only until the hijacksoftware has been downloaded once more from wherever it wasretrieved from in the first place. Most anti-spywaresoftware contains code for detecting and removing browserhijackers; it requires activation of the software to detectit for some programs. Other pay versions include real timeblockers that will actually prevent a browser hijacker frominstalling itself. Unfortunately, spyware and its associated brethren are hereto stay. The best defense is to employ protection that willguard against unexpected software additions and installs.Hijacking your browser may not seem as criminal as a virusthat eats files, but if you've ever experienced yourbrowser being hijacked, then you're aware with thefrustration it causes. ===========================================================Discover all you ever wanted to know about spyware. Latestdiscovery methods, latest incoculation treatments, latestremoval techniques. Click for useful info and dailyupdated blog of spyware news and articles. Click
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